Gaming Guide





  VZ Gaming Guide - Draw!

1) Players register to play.
2) Two players are called at a time, to play.
3) When the host says DRAW!, players must try to be the first to say FIRE!
4) The first to say FIRE! is the winner.
5) The winners from the first rounds play each other off in round two.
6) Keep playing until one player (the winner) remains.

Type in Fire! before the game starts, then press enter as soon as the host says DRAW!

How to Host

What you will need:

Plugins: Name Lister/Raffle
Turf: Not Required
Items: None Required
Assistants: None Required

Setting up:

1) Set the room to allow three avatars only (two players + one host)
2) Glue two tokens to the ground and separate them a fair bit

Hosting Instructions:

1) Say the Rules Macro.
2) Take registrations and call out two names at a time.
3) Have both players stand by one of the tokens each.
4) When both players are ready, yell DRAW!
5) The first player to say FIRE! must be carried over to Round 2.
6) Complete the game as a ladder-tournament.

Hosting Tips:

Try saying different start-words to confuse the players (such as Drat! or Drape!)




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