anonymous author - May 15/98
HeLLo.... I come to you to talk about some very HoRRiBLe news. For those of you who dont know Bite Me has been KiCKeD from WA as well as Yanks. BoTH of these long time members of WA have done nothing wrong at least NoTHiNG you can say you haven't done! I think any time a valet or any other hotel oFFiCaL you should ask them why it was done, so far No oNe has got a straight answer from aNy hotel oFFiCaL. PLeaSe fi you yes YOU have any brains at all YOU would understand that they have done NoTHiNg wrong AT ALL!
I uRGe YOU to speak up about this indignity! We ALL know that this is most definatly NoT right. So fellow iNTeLLeGeNT WA members YOU know what is right speak your mind! Ask questions find out what is going on here! I ask you do you think that the hotel officals have gone corrupt!? We ALL know some of them have ask them questions iF THeY DoNT aNsWeR You FLooD THeM!!
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