Hi, I am asking everyone to speak up about hotel rules, regulations, and authority!
As you may know lately there has been alot of problems with the "Hotel Staff!!!"
I think that ever since hotel went to charging its gone down hill! WE ALL THOUGHT THAT HOTEL WOULD GET BETTER!
but it didnt! It has only gotten worse! Most of you know what i am talking about! I am talking about all of the people getting banned!
So what if you dont like the "language" tough there is an ignor optition USE IT! If you still complain about it I simpily describe you as a pussy who has no life! I mean its not like it can hurt you!
OK now on to the issue about the bannings! I think and MANY other "PEOPLE" as CC describes them on her page are starting to get pissed off i know i am. Everytime someone gets BANNED, MUTED, FORCE GHOSTED, OR ANY OTHER FORM OF PUNNISHMENT. CC gets in a bad mood you know why becuase she doesnt like the things that are said about her in the paper, her e-mail, and esp or esp mail. I think that we need to keep this stuff up. I mean CC is a smart person, but she still hasen't responded to what "WE" want. She has only done what she wants to do i mean hotel is begining to get booring! In fact ever since all these damn rules came up hotel was acctualy fun at times! Now the only fun I and most of my friends get is carrying on a "conversation" with whom ever in the hell fucked with one of us usualy when we ask why were they banned, muted, or one of CC's other "punishment's" all we get is "no comment" or "i dont know" I mean c'mon all of you who like to call your selves "hotel staff" are being pretty damn stupid if you want to keep your jobs and i say that becuase if you keep this shit up no one will come to these allready pretty shitty "virtitual worlds" i mean if no one come who pays you! Hum? but i dont guess you thought about that you have been to busy abusing your powers!
OK! know i know CC is a little upset becuase of the "incident" with the ESP in one of the articles, but i would like everyone one ask why? and dont settle for an answer like "i dont know!" I mean why does she have a problem with it its not like Render was trained to say offensive stuff in ESP so what the FUCK is your damn problem CC!
I think that the paper is just fine! and i think all the people involved with the paper are doing a great job! and i think that you should go on without CC's support if she doesnt like it who cares if she doesnt remember there is somthing call "freedom of press!"
thank you all for your time!
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