This article is just a note on Rowena's previous article. Here is what I have to say:
I really couldn't agree more with you, Rowena. Alot lately, in fact, more-so than ever, the Hotel has become a very routine and monotonous place to be, and if it doesn't end soon..then Ibill is probably going to have one less customer to bill --Me.
I have been in the Hotel since about March of 97 and I have watched it grow from an active, and cheerful place to be, to a loathsome, and down right boring place. All you see anymore are people begging for an item they just need, or have to have. There are even some avatars who think of hotel as just a big item conquest and whoever has the most pixels is the "Ole So Mighty Avatar".
Along with the conversions, alot of good people left and they were probably smart to do so. I think one of the biggest reasons that the hotel seems so drab now is that since alot of good folks are gone, there is no one left to talk to. Maybe some of your best friends left world even.
Unfortunately, we can't bring these people back to our community, but together we MUST find a way to still have a fun and excitable community to chat in....or the Hotel will die.
CGI Gangleon
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