First of all I would like to thank Tigerlily and Bill for their great articles. It does not need being rude or anything to make a statement (at least that's what I think *G*). However, I find it necessary for a community that people express their concern, no matter how much FSBA dislikes it.
As some of you have might noticed I *did* vote with my wallet, as I was encouraged to do, and I was happy to see many others did, too. It seems to be the only choice to express not being satisfied, if management won't listen.What really stunned me is, I was treated very rude by this WA Representative, even when I was only asking questions. And I *was* being civil, I do not remember one rude word I said. Anyway, I was accused of this *plus* this WA Representative didn't even bother to check account details, before addressing me as Judy. Reality check - yeah right!!! I fully agree with what Judy did, after all she was only expressing the way *she* felt about something. However, this doesn't justify accusing a different person the way it happened to me. FSBA didn't even find it necessary to answer my email, because they thought Judy and me are the same person. I was asked if I wasn't aware they could trace accounts any time and if I expected "separate replies to all of my personalities". Thank you, FSBA! If you *have* the possibility to trace accounts, then *do it*! Anyway, at some point they finally got it. OK, I am not Judy. On with the discussion. Great. How about an apology? Oh, sorry, I forgot for a moment who I was talking about. How could I expect an apology??? *I* was treated rude for polite questions because they didn't bother to check who they are talking to. But then, everyone who was concerned about other things than new locales and FSBA's little project was approached in the same rude way.
Well, I made my decision. I will be in dreamscape for the time being and just wait and see what happens. For the sake of everyone who liked this place, as I used to like it, too, I do hope there will be changes coming up. For the sake of FSBA I hope they learn how to treat their customers, after all it's *us* who pay and I don't think they can do without our money.
Ðarksider Vicious Varla
(Butthead says : thanks for this article, "Judy" <eg> )
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