by *Hîppÿ ©hî©k*Màgeñta - May 14/98
Hello, fellow avatar's..... are we getting kinda sick of getting kicked off wa?
I know I am.<g> When is it going to stop? I hope soon..... I love chatting at this place I'm sure everyone else does too!<bg> I hate when I get kicked for 2,3,even 4hr. at a time! I'm starting to get really sick of this! Oh and my lag is so strong that my WA screen Froze and I had to restart my puter like a million time!
Also a point I want to come across..... think we need daytime valets...
No valet Is on during the day.. sometimes Valet Robert....(My opioin he's been a little crabby) He's not even on most of the time... we need valets during the day.. I go and page a valet and non are there <big shrug> And when I really need one.. I goto page them and guess what Avatar is currently unavable!
And then I try again and Concierge Gisele answers Is she a valet? or a Concierge? <very big shrug>
Thank you
*Hîppÿ ©hî©k*Màgeñta
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