Whatever happened to the customer's choice, the people's right and common courtesy? Why do the valets and the concierges think that they can control us? I say do whatever the hell you want if someone doesn't approve it's their reason and they are allowed to do whatever so deal with it themselves. Yeah this means that the concierges and valets too but hey we ARE paying customers and if these people from FSBA keep this up they ain't gonna have too many PAYING customers left. I mean what kind of bullshit are they trying to pull???!?! Isn't this supposed to be a community just like the real world??? Guess what folx I swear in the real world?? Why can't I here? People if you are sick of their shit just do what I do don't take their crap!!!!!!! And unlike others I am not scared to say who I am!!!
(Butthead says : BRAVOl!! )
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