Now Stephanie,I have watched you in the halls and to me and a few others you are very pathetic.You show your true age which is very young!For one thing,this world is OWNED by the concierges so they can force any kind of law they want and if you don't follow them then your done with.Your are very stupid to be flooding the halls with cursing words.THIS IS A MANAGED WORLD STEPHANIE!Can that get through you yet.I mean,if you don't like their laws and if everyone hates your guts then the best thing to do is run away and never come back to a world again.If you wasn't here for the meeting we had with the WA Rep. then here is a little of what he said:
He said they will enforce new laws and that for now on anyone who is a disruptor or so on will be called by legal matters and possible banned which I am sure most of us what to see these fools banned!Your acting to much of your age.I think its time to grow up now if I checked.At schools they don't allow you to cuss do they?We do mostly bbut none of the supervisors or principals are around to hear us so we do it behind their backs.So I am suggesting to you Stephanie and this goes to all you other DISRUPTORS in-world:LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU CAN!!!!WE DON'T WANT TO PUT UP WITH YOU AND YOUR BS!!!!I can tell right now why the world is falling apart,because of people like you Stephanie.Ya'll are the core of this whole situation going on.Have a nice life while you can!!!!!
(Butthead says : good thing you're not cussing yourself, ey ? LOL )
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