Strange things happening at the Hotel Silicon this weekend, not only did we see "cracks" in the walls in some locales, but also some interesting new characters made their first appearance on Hotel.
The most interesting one being Officer Chuck Rowst:
Officer Chuck Rowst in "action"
His "free speech" and expressing of opinions has gotten some other Avatars to face the Basement in the past weeks. Neither the Valets nor the Concierges "took care" of this guy now though, though he called lots of people "butt sniffer" or "favatar" and told them to pawn Hyper Day items, since it was unfair to Judy Jupiter to hold "her" event (originally her planning and ideas) after her Avatar was basemented.Further on he spoke about the "Darkside opening", which can only refer to a low-ToS enforced world or section within Hotel, which rumours told us about for some time already that FSBA was planning to do something like that.
My impression is, that this is a setup by WA management, a roleplay to introduce this low-ToS enforced world. Other indications for this are the rare items (never seen before on Hotel), which Officer Chuck holds, such as:
billy club
Policeman Hat
which he claimed to have found in the Welcome Center.(yeah right :-))
Questions about the opening of the new place and requests for further information he simply ignored. Also the Valets seem to either not know anything about it or have been told not to talk about it yet. People who complained about his behaviour were simply told to use the ignore feature. Go figure ;).
Other new characters spotted during this weekend on Hotel include the "Chefs" of the soon to be opened Restaurant on Hotel Silicon:
Pat O. Butter outside "cracked" lounge
The most prominent one of them being Pat O. Butter, who runs for "Head Chef" of the Restaurant and likes to bribe people with specialities :-)
(Butthead says: Hotel Madhouse - management rivals guests in insanity ;))
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