You know what I find ridiculous? Your entire article. I'm sorry, but could
you be a little more concise next time you post? I couldn't hear your
point over the overwhelming kissy sound you were making at Claudette and
Giselle and the stench of sour grapes. I also enjoyed your cottony-soft
marshmallow threat of "I HAD BETTER see this mail forwarded or....."(it
just kind of peters out here into a kind of whiny drivel along the lines of
"I'm taking my ball and going home") I also liked your little "I fixed your
wagon but good" tone to the vaguely informative statements made after same
said extra-absorbant threat. I like how you tell Judy to host her little
event and then to shut up, and what a shame it is and so on, but then you
have the unmitigated gall, the pure testicular fortitude to say that you
enjoy her events immensely.......BUT THAT"S NOT EVEN THE BEST PART! The best part is how you tell her to channel her negative energy.......what are
you doing with yours other than posting increasingly shrill and melodramatic "articles" This isn't an article either obviously, but you said that you wanted opposing opinions to be heard as well, so here's mine; You Madam, are a self-righteous, self-sanctifying, pontificating, fillibustering blow-hard. I love how you tried to force Max into printing that insane rambling piece saying that if it didn't get in, you knew it was all a farce, then sent a little personal thank-you note to Claudette and Giselle.......I think they reached their position here at WA by knowing how to handle things, although I'm sure your advice just really cleared things up for them. **rolling eyes** As for using the word pathetic in regards to our very own Miss Judy You really are misinformed.
I'm amazed.
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