HI am so sick and tired of all of you people who have nothing better to do than bitch, piss and moan about how unfair things are in WA. If you don't like it..LEAVE! Nobody is forcing you to stay!!
All I hear is people yapping about to many rules, HELL! You think this place has rules? Join the military!!! They got RULES!!! Who in the hell told you that Fujitsu owes you anything? Or Claudy, or Gisele or even JP!!
They don't owe you a damn thing!!! NOTHING!! If they decide to turn off the lights tomorrow, that's their business!
Get yer head outa yer ass and listen to yourselves sometime!! I had somebody tell me the other day that it's the concierges fault
because we don't have any good conversations going on in the hallway like we used too!!
Since when is it their job to see that you have a good conversation????????
This place is exactly what you make it...that's all...doesn't matter what's in the vendo. Doesn't matter what game is going on, or what prizes they have.
All that matters is what YOU do!!!
Nobody else!!
If all you want to do is stand around and play bingo or prize draw then do it!!
If you want to have a meaningfull conversation about something in the RW than DO IT!!
But for gods sake, quit standing around BITCHING!!!!!
A few months ago people were whining because we didn't have enough valets or games.
NOW..Those same people are whining because we have to many valets and games
Concierge Claudette pulled her page down, pulled the game support, and has left WA.
Are you happy now???
Is that what you wanted??
Well then I hope your happy!
Cause now your going to have to deal with JP!!!!
Think about that!!
You whining little toadies thought Claudy was hard on you??
You ain't seen nothing yet!! Remember, JP's job is the business end of the trio. And if he tells the mother company that hallway
isn't worth keeping, then we all go down the tubes!!
All you little whining, bitching, cry babies have managed to do is fuck up everything for the rest of us.
YEA, I said that word!! you read it didn't you?
You all know me, I've been here since closed beta..2 years!! And you know I don't make waves, I try to be nice to everyone, some people don't accept it, thats not my fault. I do my best, I'm no goody-2-shoes. And yea, I've been harrased for it and for alot of other things, and I've been passed over for Oracle and Valet. So what? Doesn't change the way I am or how I feel...
Ask Rock, we had a little set too, one time, he appologized, and I forgave him, we may not be great buddies. But I treat him just like I treat the rest of you. As a friend... He's a pain in the butt sometimes, just like Mav and Bite Me and Yanks and a few others. But ask them if they have a problem with me..ever! They don't!!! Because I'm not here to make enemies, just friends, I
got enough enemies on the outside. All these people are doing is letting off steam. Use your ignore.If you get busted and sent to the basement..well, maybe it will give you time to think.
Mav was the best man at my wedding, for christ's sake!!
Instead of trying to fight the system, learn how to use it!! If something happens that you don't like, even if it's something the
valets or conc. do..write a letter to them, explain how you feel, ask for a private meeting, just the 2 of you. But do it without YELLING !! And don't do it in public!! And no name calling! No one pays attention when you yell or use profanity.
If you show them that you have legitimate concerns and questions you will be treated with more respect and will get real answers to your questions. Keep one thing in mind, respect is earned, not bought or traded for or even forced.
I'm sorry if I have offended anyone, it was not my intention, sometimes I need to let off some steam too. I care about all of you,
even the so-called "bad guys"..<S> Maybe what we all need is a group hug..no, no, no..n/m forget I said that!!..ROFL
I'm gonna be in deep shit for that one I can tell!!
Well writing this has helped me a great deal, and I thank you for getting to this point.G'night. and may your God bless
(Ironfeather has left the building)
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