thanks for your mail. As I said, every opinion is most appreciated. I just
don't understand YOUR whining about your mail. <shrug>
And your IQ seems not to be high enough to get the real topic. I'm not
whining because they didn't pick me. You can ask Claudette, I even wrote,
that I don't want to be one. LOL
This was a poor and dumb attack, and I'm wondering how it is possible, that
I only received 2 emails (including your's) voting FOR Fantasia. And both of
those mails are at HOTMAIL.COM !
I think this is very poor. And your attempt to put pressure on Max is a sign
of your lower level either. Max hasn't to do anything with the protest. I started it, with some of my friends. Max even told me, that he thinks the page is too 'hard'. So best is if YOU shuddup and stop to put pressure on HIM as he has nothing to do with it.
NOTE: I will not publish emails from people who don't sign with their Avatar
name. All mails I received except your's and the other mail from another
hotmail account have no Avi name signature.
Wondering why. <shrug>
So if you want to complain, please mail directly to FSBA. I'm not going to
go down on your level. :-)
And another thing: Do you really think, that I am trying to become a Valet?
ROFL This is too funny... If I was trying this, I wouldn't protest and open
my mouth on things I dislike. I would suck up like all others are doing it,
who are trying to be chosen. Keep this in mind, if you have one.
Judy Jupiter
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