Dear Avatars and Management of Hallway,
I have watched the last few days' events unfold with growing incredulity. I
have read the Soap, the Soup, the Dreamscape Forum <where I at first
received a warning for asking questions, then later received an apology>,
and have watched, stupified, as the inworld events unfolded.
All I want is some answers. What *I* think Maxxie deserves an apology
for was the heavy handed way Concierge Jean Paul treated him when he was
questioning him. JP force ghosted and froze him. JP would NOT answer me
either, though I again was most polite, though persistant in wanting to
understand the hullabaloo.
I know that Concierge Claudette is gone, either temporarily or permanently,
and while she and I did not always see eye to eye, we worked together on a
few projects, and I like her very much. I do not know what happened to her,
or why. Is it too much that we know what is going on??
I know that Judy Jupiter was basemented, what I am not clear on is WHY... I
read what she wrote.... clearly she does not like Fantasia, and I assume
she has her own reasons for that. Personally I do not care one way or
another for Fantasia, BUT she has not been an active part of our community
in Hallway <Hotel Silicon>, and I have to say yeah I think it sort of sucks
that those of us who have stuck by it through thick and thin, AND been
helpful, get passed by in favor of those who are apparently in the
capricious good graces of the management.
Judy is entitled to her opinions, and I am still unclear as to exactly how
she has offended. There was once pornographic material with MY name
attached to it displayed on the URL of an avie who was harrassing ME, and
when I pursued the appropriate channels, I was told to *ignore*,
essentially. Mind you, the offensive material was of a woman performing
oral sex on a horse, with the URL reading, "See Tigerlily in Action." No
action taken. There have been LOTS of things that I was offended by, or I
did not like. There were witchy women who did not like me, who swarmed in
on Hallway from DS, making comments and digs at me. Fantasia among them. I
was NOT thrilled, no. But one of the things I liked about Hallway was the
diversity, and the free speech. I was there long enough to know that things
would blow over, my friends would still love me, and I could still carve a
niche for myself. As I did.
I am proud of the role I have now in Hallway. I write from time to time for
the Soup. I am a Hotel Wedding Official. I am one of the creators of the
Hallway Merchants Guild, and I maintain two shops there. I created all the
codes that Concierge Claudette used for Makeover Day, and some of my nicest
paint codes went into the vendo. However, I have been passed over each time
for valet. At one time, it was my fondest hope that I could be a valet, and
could serve the community I care about so much. I am outspoken, I am not
always circumspect. Perhaps I have rubbed the wrong people the wrong way.
Whatever it is, it is clear to me, that though I have worked hard at this
community, to keep it alive through chatting and play, even during its
darkest days, that I am not considered to be valet material. So be it. I
have found other ways to be involved.
What concerns me is the cranky and arbitrary silencing of avatars who have
differing opinions from the status quo. And the rude and belittling answers
given to those who are concerned and uneasy. Yes, I am uneasy. All this
disharmony inworld makes me very sad and upset. All I know of Judy Jupiter
is how kind and friendly she has been to me. Maxxie I have know about a
year, and I find him to be witty, supportive, kind and fair. All I know of
Jean Paul is that he NEVER answers me, and he is rude to me when I speak to
him. It has gone past the humorous joking point, now I find him offensive
and totally inappropriate. These are not reassuring qualities I would
desire in the head of my virtual world. He is NO White Wolf, to be sure!!
And I did not find the comments made by the WA Representative to be
humorous, when threatening to reset the server, and ask us to pay 49.95 to
boot!! Does anyone else feel that we are being *encouraged* to leave
Hallway, and move to Dreamscape??
I was sorry to have stepped into the hornets nest in the Dreamscape
posts. Of course, Hotel Silicon HAS NO forum to post to, and there
is uproar about the Soup. My plea to those publishing the papers, and who
monitor the Forum: Please, as people who are actively involved with
thought and speech, PLEASE remember how important it is to have freedom of
speech, freedom in the press.... even though it may make us uncomfortable,
even though we may disagree, even though some of it is silly, and shallow,
and callous, and immature. We need to sort and sift through all this mucky
mire, to keep the kernels of truth and communication free and clear and
true. We cannot have the good without sifting through the rest of it.
Otherwise, it becomes like Pravda was in the USSR... just a mutual
admiration society of insincere fawning and sucking up.
I WAS truly surprised to receive a "warning" for asking questions, and yes,
it HAS sent off warning bells in my head. I am extremely anxious about all
this uproar. I feel very insecure, as though any minute, *I* might do the
wrong thing, and get slapped on the wrist, or worse. I know I have choices,
to avoid or to continue speaking my mind. Seems WA staff would CLEARLY
prefer it if I said nothing about my concerns, or I will be branded as a
trouble maker (if they have not already done so). Is there anyone else who
shares these feelings of unrest? I really believe that my feelings and
concerns as a paying guest and yearlong resident of Hallway are NOT being
taken into consideration. But, why?? Is this good business sense?
Totally puzzled, and very much concerned,
(Butthead says : FSBA & sense ? lol )
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