by Yanks Revenge - May 10/98
Yesterday, May 9,1998 Yanks and his famous alt
Yanks Jr. were both BASEMENTED!! and both were muted for
a ridiculous 30,000 minutes. That is 20 days (wa time)
which will take most avatars MONTHS to wear off! When
asked about it Yanks Jr. said the following "I didnt say
a thing and a certain valet told me each avatar is treated
as a special case, in other words for both avatars to be
basemented they BOTH must do something bad, i shouldnt have
been basemented plain and simple" Yanks, who was testing
the valets response times received NO official warnings
and was sent straight to basement with no warnings sent
through esp or no warning mutes. Some of you may be
wondering what the basement is like well imagine this,
a wall and a floor thats IT ya cant deghost or speak because
they mute ya and it is incredibly boring. Well guess that
you will never see Yanks again unless he is released!Yanks Revenge
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