Please review the transcript of the announcement the Hotel management made on May 22nd at 6pm WAT in the Lobby. Please also read the comments on the announcement in the next article. Basic outcome is that Hotel Silicon will be changed into a "gaming world" with commerical content. As for the Server being wiped and a $ 49.95 charged to everyone I'm not sure if those were sarcastic remarks or not.
Valet Jadi: Hi everyone
Lady Avalon: hmm, tiny lag...hope we aren't about to go thru this again
WA Representative: so how about if I just start making outrageous statements to freek out those just getting back in.....
Rowaena: w/b Render <grin>
Valet Robert: Brooblyer says 41 ghosts before the crash
Rowaena: LOL
Valet Render: thanks
FloridaMan: iok
Lady Avalon: hehe, great idea Mr Rep
Valet Ragelic: lol
Valet Jadi: Hi Ren
WA Representative: Ok now you gotta back me on this.
Grippen I: poking rep's neck <wave>
Valet Jadi: Hi Fantasia
FloridaMan: Rep what should we call you cause i hate saying rep mr rep
WA Representative: The server will be wiped tomorrow.
Valet Fantasia: hiyas all
Rowaena: Hiyas Fan <jump><grin>
Lady Avalon: sure <hehe>
FloridaMan: oh great!
Valet Fantasia: hugsss
Rowaena: Huggggggs <grin>
Rough Rider: The normal statements should freak just fine<grin>
FloridaMan: Can we get toilets after the wipe?
Lady Avalon: hahaha
Valet Ragelic: What is that you say? A token wipe?
Valet Jadi: lol
FloridaMan: no no no server wipe
WA Representative: All avatars will be billed $49.95 and then banished.
Lady Avalon: please wash after
Rowaena: ROFL
Grippen I: Server wipe <jump>
Valet Jadi: let's not start that again
Valet Jadi: lol
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: sounds good to me <react><react>
Redwood: well just so we have toilet paper its ok
FloridaMan: yup
Lady Avalon: let's all start from ground zero
Redwood: lmao
Lady Avalon: hehe
FloridaMan: Mr rep you need a name
Rowaena: Yeah ... wipe it <grin><grin>
WA Representative: Please mail you checks made out to WA rep. to:
Valet Jadi: lol
Valet Robert: LOL WA thanks for the ESP flood
Lady Avalon: hehe
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: yeah
FloridaMan: your new name is Fred mr Rep
Rough Rider: Can we get Viagra in the vendos?
Valet Ragelic: lol...and send $20 to Ragelic <grin>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: want my cat and dog as well?
WA Representative: its not represetative its replusive
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: <G>
Redwood: with the toilet paper please
Grippen I: Fred <jump>
Lady Avalon: HAHAHAHA for Viagra, who said that?
Rough Rider: <grin>
Rowaena: Prolly RR <grin>
Lady Avalon: hehe RR
FloridaMan: Fred can you wipe out everythin well you are at it?
Lady Avalon: you are *too* funny
Valet Robert: Madness no
FloridaMan: like just leave empty halls
WA Representative: First staff announcements--
Rowaena: LOL Lady A
Valet Robert: Nighthawk at the moment he is the problem
Lady Avalon: hehe
Rough Rider: Ready, pizza is on it's way
WA Representative: Concierge Claudette was not fired...
Grippen I: Matt looks cranky
WA Representative: She was, however, quite frustrated my a number of incidents and
WA Representative: she attempted to retire.
FloridaMan: killed JP?
WA Representative: She failed and will be back next week.
Rowaena: Wooo Hooo <jump><grin>
Valet Robert: LOL
Rough Rider: Yay!<jump>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: cool <jump><jump>
Valet Render: Conratulations CC, or is it condolences?
Rough Rider: Was JP frustrated too?<hoping>
Rowaena: LOL Render
WA Representative: Concierge Gisele will also remain as her trusty partner.
WA Representative: Concierge Jean_paul...
FloridaMan: died of heart failure?
Redwood: basement permanently
WA Representative: has accepted another position and will no longer be assoicated with the Hotel project.
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: heheeh
Rowaena: Yikes
Rough Rider: yahooooo<jump><jump><jump><jump><jump><jump>
FloridaMan: wooohooo!
Redwood: yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
FloridaMan: Joy to da world lalalala
Lady Avalon: hehe Broob
Redwood: hip hip horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Rough Rider: <releases white doves>
WA Representative: next
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Lady Avalon: ghost said now JP will be in DS <g>
Redwood: party time
WA Representative: All current valets will be retained.
Rowaena: Yes <jump><jump>
WA Representative: and more valets will be added at the rate of about one a week.
FloridaMan: woah!
Rowaena: we need more??
Rough Rider: Valet obedience school?
WA Representative: Now for HS itself
FloridaMan: it will take over DS?
Valet Robert: He said retained
Lady Avalon: a Valet for every, er....nice
Rough Rider: lol
Rowaena: Hehe Lady A <grin>
Valet Robert: Nor re-trained
Grippen I: detained?
WA Representative: The commercial content focus will be directed towards the home computer user with
Valet Robert: Not
Rowaena: Can we pick which one we want?<grin>
WA Representative: a special "Gamers Alley"
Lady Avalon: hehehe
Lady Avalon: cool
WA Representative: Commercial content means that we have some partners who will be connecting in the near future WA Representative: from their web sites
Rough Rider: Spam?
FloridaMan: Can we put a nike loggo on the wall?
FloridaMan: Smeat Kam?
Lady Avalon: lol
WA Representative: a big emphasis will be on buiding and maintaining personal web pages
Grippen I: Content *in the hotel*, or just associated with?
WA Representative: the Gamers Alley will be finished soon
WA Representative: for opening in June
FloridaMan: June 1st or 30th?
WA Representative: I believe the beginning computer content and partner will be here then too
WA Representative: ready for the other shoe?
Rowaena: Yep <grin>
Lady Avalon: go for it
Rough Rider: Any hints to who the new partners will be?<grin>
WA Representative: TOS in Hotel will be enforced.
FloridaMan: i think you were right RR Spam, smeat or Kam
WA Representative: This means one of two courses will be taken...
Lady Avalon: wet slobbery kisss...or the basement
Valet Robert: A company BM
Rowaena: LOL
WA Representative: either will we attempt to provide an option similar to the Hallway experience
WA Representative: OR
WA Representative: we will banish those who disrupt this project.
WA Representative: IF we can do the first we will.
Grippen I: disrupt == break TOS?
Lady Avalon: Hallway experience....I'm sorta slow.....what do you mean?
Rough Rider: With a full refund of course<grin>
Rough Rider: TOS=Take Off Shoes before carpet?
WA Representative: but we will not hesitate to bring this project into a reasonable and respectible form of conduct.
Rowaena: Yup, was wondering that too Lady A
WA Representative: Terms of Service
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: do we get treated reasonable and respectible, too?
WA Representative: What you all skipped over when you signed up.
Rowaena: Hehe
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: or do we just have to abide?
Grippen I: Not me <jump>
FloridaMan: i read it<react>
Valet Robert: You will have to abide
Lady Avalon: I believe most do.....? Follow TOS...don't they?
Valet Robert: That is what enforce means
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: sure
Rowaena: Most <grin>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: but how about the other way around?
Grippen I: But what does "disrupt this project" mean?
Rough Rider: It seems the rules were written more to benefit FSBA than the paying to comment on that?
WA Representative: Quite frankly there is a short list of customers who like to cause disruption of this project.
Grippen I: If I don't violate TOS, can I still "disrupt this project"?
Valet Robert: Breaking the TOS = Disrupt
FloridaMan: what if we never aftually agreed we went to a link that was after that<react>
Lady Avalon: LOL FM
WA Representative: We have absolutely no interest in a debate about this project with those individuals.
WA Representative: the huge majority of customers are never a problem here at all
WA Representative: we thank all of those for your patience and your emails
Grippen I: So the answer is yes?
WA Representative: we will rectify this situation
Lady Avalon: *this project* and *those individuals*....hmmmm. where have *I* been <shrug>
WA Representative: and we will banish accounts if necessary
Rowaena: YOu missed the fun Lady A? <grin>
Lady Avalon: lol
Lady Avalon: not sure exactly who is *who* anymore Row
WA Representative: So now that I am done looking at my fingers on the keyboard,
FloridaMan: lol
WA Representative: I will take questions about these announcements.
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: would you care to comment about about 50 people called yesterday, then?
WA Representative: sure
WA Representative: those people were heard and some of there names were referred to our legal department for review
Lady Avalon: Mr. questions.....just want to thank everyone for the fun time I've had here .....
Grippen I: What kind of review, and why?
Lady Avalon: thanks all
WA Representative: thank you
Lady Avalon: <wave>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: great, was that the answer? or is ther emore to come?
WA Representative: some of those calls involved legal issues
Rough Rider: Gonna miss ya Avalon<jump>
WA Representative: which of course I cannot comment on
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: i don't want details about legal issues
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: but i would sure like to hear what you think about the complaints <shrug>
FloridaMan: how many were about JP?<react>
FloridaMan: 100% or 99%?
Rough Rider: LOL
Redwood: lol@FM
WA Representative: I think that some are valid and some are clearly not.
WA Representative: and others were beyond what is acceptable in civilized society
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: and what is going to happen about the ones that were "valid"?
WA Representative: therefore the legal issues
WA Representative: I will not comment on that Varla.
Valet Robert: Madness asks that you explain the "Gaming Alley" in more detail
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: great answer
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: thankyou so much
WA Representative: If my previous statement is not clear then I invite you to exercise your right as a consumer.
Grippen I: So you're saying play it your way or leave?
WA Representative: Sorry but I do not have more on Gamers Alley except to say that we will have both inworld and URL linked games.
WA Representative: Each and every month, each and everyone of you makes a decision about this product
WA Representative: I have just told you that it will change
WA Representative: i expect that will effect some of your decisions
Valet Robert: Magenta sorry he can't unblock ESP and keep up with what is being said down here
FloridaMan: Change is bad said so on Hershey add<shrug>
Rough Rider: What is Fujitsu's opinion on customer satisfaction? And why don't they have a valid phone number for customer service?
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: we heard a lot about your so-called project
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: but not very much about the issues *we* are concerned about
Rowaena: Who is we?
WA Representative: Varla, I'm sorry I mean Judy, do you really think that the other residents here are not on to your game?
Rowaena: Welcome ghostie <grin>
Grippen I: We are the paying customers, that's all <grin>
WA Representative: You are partners in this world
FloridaMan: can we get a T-shirt then?
FloridaMan: <grin>
Rowaena: LOL
Grippen I: Then why do you tell us to vote with our wallet?
WA Representative: you support it with payment and many of you with time and energy
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: judy? huh?
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: i'm confused now
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: who are you talking to?
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: judy or me?
WA Representative: and yes we hope you do vote with the wallets
Rowaena: He's talking to the *we* <grin>
Rowaena: PF <jump><grin>
Rowaena: Dunno Tess <grin><grin>
Grippen I: Morden, sorry, I'm not a regular here
WA Representative: Let me say that again, we want you to vote with your wallets.
Rowaena: If you want to be I suppose <grin>
WA Representative: This is the world we are going to offer and support.
Redwood: give us yours and we will vote all you want to
WA Representative: We are clearly lloking for customers who like it here.
Grippen I: Okkies ... I'll vote with my wallet
Grippen I: No new account for me <grin>
FloridaMan: My wallet says Freedom of speach
Valet Robert: WA Judy says she is not Varla
Grippen I: Judy isn't Varla
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: and i am not judy <shrug>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: geeez
Grippen I: Judy is in the clouds
Redwood: iam not judy either
Rowaena: <G>
WA Representative: Folks reality check here.
Valet Robert: Your Obbsession wants to know why we need more Valets (babysitters)
Grippen I: I have just been convinced, by the in here made statements, that I do not want a Silicon Hotel account
WA Representative: The world we propose to offer will have more valets, I think that is a clear statement of our intention.
FloridaMan: this isn't reality it's Virtual Reality<shrug>
Grippen I: So I will excercise my "right as a customer"
Valet Robert: Obsession I think your question answers itself
Redwood: intention for what
Redwood: what about more vendo items
WA Representative: Grippen I --please exercise that right now.
Redwood: change them
Grippen I: Why do you say that? <grin>
Redwood: lower turf prices
Redwood: more tokens
FloridaMan: more items
Redwood: lets talk reality
Rowaena: Less jumping jacks on the wallss
WA Representative: Because we are making a clear statement about what we will offer here and if that is not what you want then it is appropriate for you to leave and allow others to enjoy this place.
WA Representative: that is what TOS enforcement will be about
Grippen I: So you don't want me as a customer?
Grippen I: WHAT????
WA Representative: Have I not been clear?
Redwood: are you jp in disguise
Grippen I: What has TOS to do with me wanting to stay in here??
WA Representative: any more questions about the announcements?
Grippen I: Please emphasize
Redwood: you dont sound like you care much for the ones you have here
Valet Render: none
FloridaMan: hey ghosts if ya got a question 4 him send it through me if ya need to
Valet Robert: Madness asks will the "Gaming Alley" be a locale?
FloridaMan: is there gonna be a new Concierge to take JP's Place?
WA Representative: a series of locales
WA Representative: Claudette and Gisele will be consulted about that first I think
FloridaMan: yeah, does he want a world with only valets in it?
Grippen I: Am I violationg TOS by being in here?
FloridaMan: Can you smile?
Valet Robert: Unbeliever asks if you can reprise because he got here late
WA Representative: sure
WA Representative: server wipe on saturday
Grippen I: Transcripts of this will be on a web page
FloridaMan: ask him when he is going to take his head otu of his *** and run this world right
Redwood: without the singing please
Grippen I: I will put it up
WA Representative: everyone billed at $49.95 and then banished
FloridaMan: lol
Redwood: tell him its your way or the highway
WA Representative: that about covers it
Redwood: you dont care about us
FloridaMan: will the announcements be posted somewhere
Redwood: maybe robots will come in
WA Representative: OK thanks for your time
Rowaena: Question from clouds: So this is not going to be a role playing world but a "gamer's" world?
WA Representative: have a good weekend
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: JP, do you really think its neccessary to change your avi name for this announcement and treat us the same rude way you always do?
Rowaena: Hmm
Grippen I: Now, wasn't that swell
FloridaMan: no escapin rag!
FloridaMan: LOL
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: great
Valet Ragelic: lol, Well..I do need to be running <grin>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: we all needed this
Redwood: drinks on the house
Redwood: lol
Rowaena: Sorry ghosties ... ESP going nuts here <grin>
Ðarksider Vicious Varla: i hope you people make a good decision
Valet Ragelic: BrB
(Butthead says : Yeah right )
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