Wert P. Gumby gave us an insight in the Hotel on how he interprets the upcoming changes. I have saved this conversation for you to review. To me, his interpretations make a lot of sense. What does NOT make sense to me though is why it was necessary to alienate quite a few of loyal and long time customers and loose them in this process of changes.
Loki: To do what?
Ghost!@#%^&*(): charge 50 bucks then bannish us!
Loki: lol
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: it cannot be true
Loki: He was kidding!
Loki: LOL
Loki: i was there the whole time
Wert P Gumby: HE WAS KIDDING !!!
Ghost!@#%^&*(): really?
Loki: yes
Loki: he said
Loki: why dont we trick the ppl just getting in
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: so what is ******* happening
Loki: andeveryone loled
Wert P Gumby: look
Loki: Well....
Ghost!@#%^&*(): yay!
Spooky: Listen guys - - if Wert thinks it's so, odds are it is.
Loki: He took JP s place
Loki: And it is the same
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: aint it JP who did
Loki: just new rooms coming soon
Loki: gaming center
Loki: and all
**Très Polo**: well it;s out of order tricking us to that even if that was what they were doin
Wert P Gumby: the simple truth is this world is being changed from a mini-Dreamscape to a commercialized "gaming" world.
**Très Polo**: that sucks
Loki: Well
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: I like it the way it is
Loki: i like games
Spooky: Let's let Wert talk
Loki: No no
**Très Polo**: me2 but cant we have both
Wert P Gumby: and still only cost 9.95 to access.
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: what sort of games
Loki: it is just a game oom they are adding
Spooky: Wert <grin>
Loki: and the theme will change
Ghost!@#%^&*(): we have a game room
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: we already have a games room
Wert P Gumby: you will be able to have ALL of the worlds in 30 days for one price
Loki: to gameing world
Wert P Gumby: They dont intend on wiping anyone or anything.
Loki: lol
Loki: wipe
Metal Eddie: someone help
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: they have done it before
**Très Polo**: waht do u need help with?
Loki: I'll go with anything
Loki: just as long as i can stay
Metal Eddie: what is this about a server wipe and $50?
Ðarksider maxxie: where is that information from, Wert ?
Loki: LOL
Spooky: Management handled this very badly then. That transcript even fooled me.
Loki: that was a joke he pulled
Ghost!@#%^&*(): thats good...
Loki: to trick all the ppl coming back in
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: funny<frown>
Ghost!@#%^&*(): hey polo...
Wert P Gumby: Look at this way....this world will be their lobby and they want ot be perfect for other comanies to come in a look and decided to invest.
Ghost!@#%^&*(): wanna raffle me lei?
Ghost!@#%^&*(): me=my
Metal Eddie: mmmm
**Très Polo**: not just yet, i have to do it on schedule
Wert P Gumby: This will be a world filled with URL links paid for by other companies.
Ghost!@#%^&*(): oh...
Ghost!@#%^&*(): when will you?
Spooky: Most sense I've heard in weeks Wert.
Loki: Well just ignor the links
Loki: and URLs
Loki: atleast it is staying
Loki: lol
**Très Polo**: like a radio station......
Ðarksider maxxie: yes makes sense, but where is this info from , wert ?
Loki: we could have lost this world all in one!
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: erm I aint too impressed wit da management
Wert P Gumby: This saves the Dreamscape from it. so if you want to Freely walk around spamming and swearing go to Dreamscape
Loki: lol
Ghost!@#%^&*(): lol
Loki: ghost
**Très Polo**: lol
Loki: can i trade ya
Ghost!@#%^&*(): yes?
Ghost!@#%^&*(): hehe polo?
**Très Polo**: the point is ds is too expensive for some
Spooky: Don't you dare
Loki: PLEASE!!!!
Wert P Gumby: this world will have "coporate guests" in it and other companies that dont understand our way of life.
Ghost!@#%^&*(): i like this staff..
Loki: Polo
**Très Polo**: yes?
Loki: awwww
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: me wont one
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: I will give you a lota stuff
Ghost!@#%^&*(): hehe...
Loki: I wanted to trade ghost
Ghost!@#%^&*(): polo?
Loki: that staff for my sceptr
Loki: is that ok?
Spooky: oh cripe
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: what sceptre you got
Ghost!@#%^&*(): hehe this is my septure
**Très Polo**: u can trade if u want, ghost
Wert P Gumby: hopefully they will have a connection between here and Kymer in the future so we can venture into this "amusement" park to play and win stuff
Loki: do you dude?
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: I will give you my sceptre and 2 fuzz
Ghost!@#%^&*(): nah...this is a offical TC...
Wert P Gumby: and then return home and enjoy our freedom.
Loki: please????????
Abe: lol
Spooky: Would you twits please SHADDUP while Wert explains to us what you guys have been whining about for weeks
Spooky: **************
Ghost!@#%^&*(): BRB
Spooky: Wert <grin>
**Très Polo**: weeks:1 day
Wert P Gumby: its ok
Wert P Gumby: I think if they just hang in here and wait, they will see this place will have more games for them to play
Metal Eddie: thank god... a valet
Spooky: What's more important?? A stoopid pixel stick or whether or not you will have a place to see it?
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: sceptre
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: <jump>
Wert P Gumby: yes, there will be rules but it will be a "public area" and just like in RW publie we have rules of conduct
**Très Polo**: the point os lots of us wont have a place to see it cos we cant afford the switch!
Wert P Gumby: like no running around the pool and stuff like that<shrug>
Abe: 995 a month?
Spooky: True Wert - No more nude beaches
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: aww no running<sigh>
Wert P Gumby: and no running with sizzors either
¥ P@®Kê®™© ¥: aww
Spooky: exactly
Abe: no peeing in the pool
Loki: lol
Spooky: Proper attire in lobby
**Très Polo**: lol
Wert P Gumby: well, just cause this is a "gaming" world doesnt mean you cant come here to socialize.
Loki: ahhh my eye
**Très Polo**: no graffiti
Spooky: yup, no peein in pool either
Loki: you son of a bit**
Ghost!@#%^&*(): lol
Loki: oops
Loki: hehe
Ghost!@#%^&*(): hehe loki...
Wert P Gumby: you just have to repect others and it being a "public area" now.
Ghost!@#%^&*(): oh yeah...
Loki: OMG they killed kenny!!!!
Abe: pooing either
Spooky: specially poopin
Abe: and no babyruth bars
Ghost!@#%^&*(): Southpark rules...
Loki: yes miss crabtrees.
Abe: he said killed someone page a valet
Spooky: In other words guys, da party requires proper attire to attend.
Abe: ill wait and see<shrug>
Spooky: But, in return of course, we'll expect to be treated same <bow>
Abe: sometimes there just arent enough rocks
Wert P Gumby: you should expect respect in return
Spooky: Yes
Abe: yes
Abe: just like peas and carrots
Abe: hhe
Wert P Gumby: and if you dont get it here....leave...f@ck 'em where it really hurts, in their wallet.
Spooky: ...(Wert's famous theory)
Spooky: There's lots of other places
Abe: so whens the parade
Wert P Gumby: enough from me<grin><wave>
Ghost!@#%^&*(): polo..
Ghost!@#%^&*(): you need to change the url
Ðarksider maxxie: thanks for sharing, wert
(Butthead says : ever seen Wert talk so much? :) )
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